
Marianne Chala
Book Suggestions for Mums - The Willoughby Book Club

Book Suggestions for Mums

Mother’s Day is  almost here, and we’re excited to shout about the lovely mums in our lives! We all know one day will never be enough to beam and gloat about our favourite women, but it does give us the opportunity to treat them in the best way we know how: books! So, how about foregoing the chocolates this year and opting for an interesting read instead? We’ve compiled a varied list of books that mothers of all tastes will enjoy, so read on for some curated gifting inspiration.

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Marianne Chala
What We've Been Reading - The Willoughby Book Club

What We've Been Reading

Lord Jim at Home by Dinah Brooke Lord Jim at Home was originally published in 1973 and I can understand after reading why it fell out of publication. Unusual, dark, and unsettling, Brooke's second novel traces the strange life of Giles Trenchard, from his distant and loveless upper-middle class childhood in Cornwall, to his time serving in the infantry during WWII, on towards his spiralling descent into violence. It's a fantastic, scathing examination of the hypocrisies and casual cruelty of upper-class society in the early 20th century, peeling the veneer away in big fat strips. You'll ask: are psychopaths born or...

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Alisha Chauhan
Six Romantic Reads For Valentine's Day 2025 - The Willoughby Book Club

Six Romantic Reads For Valentine's Day 2025

Ahh, Valentine's Day. A day for love and romance and all those lovely, fuzzy things we probably should be doing all year round! But alas, it's still rather charming to dedicate a specific day to your beloved and/or favourite person.  We love reading about love in the Willoughby office. In fact, we love love almost as much as we love reading!  With that in mind, we wanted to share with you some books, both old and new, that we can't wait to dig in to over the Valentine's period, to extend the fuzziness for an extra few days!   A...

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Marianne Chala
What We've Been Reading - The Willoughby Book Club

What We've Been Reading

The Party by Tessa Hadley I remember seeing this in a bookshop and thinking, ‘that’s a pretty cover!’. I know, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it just can’t be helped, and luckily, it’s such a lovely little book that’s easy to digest in one sitting or on your travels. A coming-of-age story focused on two sisters in postwar Bristol, you’ll be immersed in a tale of adventure, awkwardness and anxiety, as you join the sisters in the weird in-between of being a teen and moving into adulthood. The sisters learn new things about themselves and...

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