Marianne Chala
What We've Been Reading in June
Well, June was a scorcher, wasn't it? Did you find time to spread a blanket in the back garden and enjoy some reading? There's something particularly enticing about reading outside.
The Willoughby team have been making the most of the warm weather: here are some of the books we've been reading recently.
Marianne Chala
The Most Memorable Fathers from Literature
There are many things that draw us to books. We might read by genre, or choose our reads based on writing style, while others may be attracted by stories with a unique sense of place. Recently, here at Willoughby, we've been thinking about characters from across the spectrum of literature and their impact on our reading experience. Love them or loathe them, a well-drawn character can make a good story unforgettable. With Father's Day fast approaching, we've been discussing the most memorable dads we've read about over the years. Whether good, bad or somewhere in between, these are some of...
Marianne Chala
What We've Been Reading in May
May is surely the nicest month of all. The cow parsley is tall and the grass is green and lush, and it's beginning to feel like summer but without the oppressive heat of midsummer. Everything feels full of promise and potential, and it's lovely to enjoy the first few days of weather good enough to read in the park or garden. Here's what we've been reading this past month:
Marianne Chala
Author Profile: John Irving
Wrestler, international author, and all-round great American novelist, John Irving’s novels have been translated into over 35 languages, with his work reaching all four corners of the globe.
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