News — what we've been reading

What We've Been Reading in May - The Willoughby Book Club

What We've Been Reading in May

May is surely the nicest month of all. The cow parsley is tall and the grass is green and lush, and it's beginning to feel like summer but without the oppressive heat of midsummer. Everything feels full of promise and potential, and it's lovely to enjoy the first few days of weather good enough to read in the park or garden. Here's what we've been reading this past month:

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Author Profile: John Irving - The Willoughby Book Club

Author Profile: John Irving

Wrestler, international author, and all-round great American novelist, John Irving’s novels have been translated into over 35 languages, with his work reaching all four corners of the globe. 

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We Asked You To Choose Our Books! - The Willoughby Book Club

We Asked You To Choose Our Books!

As a bit of fun in this sunshine-soaked May we asked our Instagram followers to vote for which book we should read next. It actually felt quite liberating to have the decisions made for us about what to read, particularly as we all put in so much time choosing books for others! 

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What We've Been Reading in April - The Willoughby Book Club

What We've Been Reading in April

Maybe it's because Spring is in the air, but we have all been reading a little more than normal recently, so this month's What We've Been Reading is a bit of a bumper edition. We all read quite differently here in The Willoughby Book Club HQ. It's always interesting to find out the titles we have been enjoying recently. We have heaps of 'want to read' books by our desks as well as at home,  piling up much faster than we can possibly read them. Here are the ones we have tackled so far!   I Have Some Questions For You...

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